Tags: Gatsby – React – Portfolio – Contact Form – Sliders – Modal Gallery
In collaboration with Andrew Borstein, software engineer at Wespire, i was asked to transfer the portfolio of Ian McGillivray from wordpress to a faster more modern solution.
He proposed a JAM-stack implementation and we chose Gatsby mainly because of the documentation.
It was awesome to use GraphQL queries and Gatsby-Image even though the implementation on the wordpress side with wordpress-graphQL and Advanced Custom fields was tricky.
I coupled the SQL wordpress database with GraphQL and created brand new and super simple React components to display the Galleries and the Sliders.
It’s now super fast and accessible, users can also update and publish through the WordPress CMS.
We implemented another version without any CMS, just full markdown.
It uses gatsby-node and createPage( ) to dig into the Slider and Gallery directories of each post and uses the images as gallery or slider elements!
The hosting choice was Netlify because of it’s simplicity and the fact that we could both directly work on the GitHub repository.
The form is powered by Getform due to the static nature of Gatsby.
Features : JAM Stack Website – Form – Gallery -Modal
Full MarkDown