Chatty Cat


Design and Developement

I developed two versions of this App, one for desktop and one for Iphones with React Native

I used React, React Native and Firebase to create this Cat themed app.

I started by creating an API using Node and Axios to manage the interactions with Firebase then I experimented with functions directly into React and kept this option because it is easier to maintain.

The Firebase interface is very easy to use, the most complicated part were the UI animations and the state management. I used framer motion a lot, an especially useful feature is the positionTransition attribute as it allows us to animate the entry of new components into DOM (when you add a friend for example).

It was my most interesting project so far. I also had a lot of fun entirely designing the UI including the SVGs. Some features are still missing (removing or blocking a friend) but i’m pretty happy with the result.

Features : User Authentication – Animations – UseContext State Management – React Router – Framer Motion

HTML5 – CSS3 – ES6 JavaScript – REACT – REACT NATIVE Firebase

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